Twilight of Avalon
Historical Background / Links
Although the vast majority of my research for Twilight of Avalon was done from books, there are a few excellent websites about the historical background of the book that I'll share here for anyone wanting to know more about Dark Age Britain or the original Tristan and Isolde legend.
On the Tristan and Isolde legend:
The Other Early Arthurian Cycle: the Tale of Tristan and Isolt --An excellent overview of the varying versions of the legend.
Trystan and Esyllt --An early Welsh version of the Tristan and Isolde legend.
Geoffrey of Monmouth's version of the Arthur legend:
Arthurian Passages from The History of the Kings of Britain --This is the version of the Arthur story that I used as the basis for Twilight of Avalon.
On Dark Age Britain:
Early British Kingdoms --An extremely thorough website with information about the world--both real and fictional--of Arthurian Britain.
On the real Tintagel:
Tintagel-King Arthur Country --This site has both a broad historical overview of Tintagel castle and some beautiful photos of the place as it appears today.